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  • Product Info

    This is my take on the world's oldest known coffee blend:  the famed Mokha Java. 

    Mine isn't just inspired by the Mokha-Java; it's a true Mokha-Java:

    • 50% Yemen MOKHA Peaberry
    • 50% West JAVA Sunda Cipelah

    Rich.  Complex.  Spicy.  Deep.  Surprisingly smooth.

    This is my most versatile coffee.  I've brewed it hot and cold.  Cold Brew.  Japanese Iced Coffee.  Drip.  Pour over.  French Press. Espresso.  It doesn't matter what I do to it, it's always delicious.  

    Not for the faint of heart...my only darker coffee is my Espresso Blend.  I take both component coffees deep into 2nd crack.  

  • Brand:

    Inflection Point Coffee